- Biosynthesis and Metabolism
- Transport
- Signalling
- Development
- Interactions and Cross-talk
- Responses to Environmental Stimuli
- Novel Methods and Techniques
Abstract submission deadline
24 April 2023
Late Abstract submission deadline
31 May 2023
Abstracts submitted since 1 May 2023 may not be considered for oral presentation.
Online Abstract Submission Form
Guidelines for Submission
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Abstract cannot exceed a limit of 250 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations).
- Make the title of the abstract brief, clearly indicating the nature of the investigation. Use a capital letter for the first letter in the title only (DO NOT capitalize each word).
- Figures, graphs, images, diagrams and references cannot be included.
- The authors are responsible for the content and the language quality of the abstract.
- An automatically generated confirmation will be sent to the presenting author's e-mail address. If you do not receive it within an hour, first please check your spam folder and then contact us at e-mail address info@on-line-form.eu.
- If changes need to be made to your submitted abstract, please contact us at the email address above at any time before the deadline. Please do not submit the abstract more than once.
- Authors will be notified of the acceptance via e-mail.
Author's Registration
Please note that registration of the presenting author is mandatory.
If the presenting author has not registered and has not completed the payment of the registration fee, the presentation may be withdrawn from the programme.
Publication of Abstracts
The authors of submitted abstracts agree with publication of their abstracts in the Book of Abstracts (electronic version) to be distributed to all participants at the Symposium.